Thursday, August 2, 2012

Stella & Dot and My Olympics Obsession

So today was one of those boring, no fun, nothing exciting kind of days until I got home and realized my first package of Stella & Dot jewelry came in the mail! Seriously, this stuff comes in the cutest packing!

Then, when you dig a little deeper, even more cute packaging!!! ( I can't get over the cuteness factor!)

Now here's the shameless self promotion.... I got all of this jewelry (plus one more necklace that isn't pictured) for becoming a Stella & Dot Stylist! You can earn free jewelry too if you host a trunk show or sign up as a stylist yourself! Talk to me if you're interested in either!


I've pretty much avoided watching the Olympics this entire time because I just don't enjoy watching sports on television.... Until last night.  Last night I discovered how amazing it is to root for your country to win (and how hot some of the synchronized divers were).   The Fab Five Gymnastics team is amazing as well and I WISH I could do routines on the bar as well as they can!


So, it's safe to say I'm officially addicted to the Olympics and my new obsession with Stella & Dot jewelry and accessories is not going to be cheap... (I already have my eye on this iPhone case!)

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