Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Blog Break

I finally got this all pretty and got super into posting and then the week from Hell happened.  So, I need a break from the blog for awhile unless everyone wants to read posts about how horribly upset I am that my boyfriend of 9 months decided we should take a break so he can focus on school. I'm not bitter... I'm just upset.  This isn't what either of us wanted but I understand why he needs this.  

So, I'm taking a break from the blog so I don't bore you all with rants and feel-sorry-for-myself posts.

I'll be back before you know it.


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for joining the link up party today! So happy to have you join!
Hope you have a lovely day girl!

Unknown said...

so sorry! feel better!

Anni S said...

So sorry to hear that! Keep your head up!

I saw you on the link up! Love your blog!
Hope you had a good day! Stop by http://grapefruitprincess.blogspot.com and say hi :)

Unknown said...

Thank you all! It's amazing when people who have never met you care about what is going on in your life.

It truly means a lot to me!