Monday, August 27, 2012

Coco Hates it Here

Now, it's no secret that I have a bit of an obsession with my cat.  She's like a child. She's spoiled and she's a brat.  But, she hates this apartment. I don't know if its the amount of people coming in and out or if its the weird noises the appliances make, but she hides under (more like behind) my bed all day and only comes out at night or when I'm not home.

It took her a little over a week to get even semi- comfortable at my cousin's house so I'm obviously going to give her some more time to get adjusted.  Plus, she's a Torti (apparently they have huge attitudes...) so she's a bit more emotional and cranky than a typical cat.

Any tips for making her more comfortable here would be greatly appreciated! (Yes I know I sound like a cat lady... I'm used to it.)

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