Friday, June 15, 2012

All that Sparkles

First of all, glitter is probably the greatest craft supply ever invented. Second, a touch of sparkle makes everything better.  With those two things in mind (plus some mod podge) I decided to glitter-ize EVERYTHING.  Well, not everything, but a lot of stuff and I could not be happier with the results! For future reference, however, I need more than one thing of glitter.

To start, just mix together mod podge and glitter into a paint-like substance.  I put foil in the bowl to make it easier to clean up.  Paint it onto whatever you want to sparkle-fy with a foam brush. Let dry and your done. Seriously, easiest DIY project ever. Now if I could just stop....

The more glitter you put in the less see-through it will be. I recommend using A LOT of glitter! Enjoy!

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