Saturday, September 15, 2012

10 Ways to De-Stress Your Life

1. Disconnect - turn off your phone, social media, etc. for an hour or so and do something.  It's so much easier to focus when you aren't checking your phone every 5 minutes.

2. Treat Yourself - It doesn't need to be something expensive (or even cost money).  Have a cup of coffee or do something you love and usually wouldn't have time for.

3. Exercise - Exercise releases endorphin's. Endorphin's make you happy! ("And happy people just don't kill their husbands!" -- Legally Blonde)

4. Talk it out - Pretty self-explanatory right?  Just don't talk to too many people... Too many views on a subject can just stress you out even further.

5. Get creative - Put your stress into something productive that you can be proud of after it's finished.

6. Have a dance party - Put on some music and dance around for a little bit... Happy music makes you happy.

7. Sleep - Being exhausted can make everything seem 10 times worse than it actually is so sleeping makes your life much less stressful.

8. Listen to music - Music impacts your mood more than you think.

9. Do nothing for 2 minutes - Click Here

10. Get organized - Having an organized life makes everything simpler and, therefore, less stressful.

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